Updates here are given with most recent at the top. Start from the bottom if you are reading for the first time. Feb. 3, 2009 ------------ Lyman's e-mail about current status of his paper: Steve and Shaul Here is a DRAFT that I think is OK to post. Please keep in mind that it is still rough. I'm wide open to suggestions. As you can see, there are a number of TBDs and plenty of room for additions. The figures are not final. It would be great if there was someone from SPT who would comment on it! As usual, I am a little behind. I hope to gather as many comments as I can over the next week and send you a more refined version in a week. You can tell that I have tried to keep this as general as possible, keeping in mind that all of the CMB will be boiled down considerably in the final report. Sunil and Steve, as you can see I am pitching this for the science one can do with fine angular scale CMB surveys: lensing, intrinsic CMB, and cross correlations, as well as clusters. But clusters are just one component. Meir, please feel free to comment and suggest additions. Please let me know if there are other planned fine angular surveys. PolarBear seems on the boarder line of small and large. Huan is this right? Cheers, Lyman January 28, 2009 ---------------- Scott Dodelson is leading a paper about Inflation. Lyman page is leading a paper about the science encoded in small angular scale temperature and polarization anisotropy. Specific science topics covered by Lyman's paper include clusters, neutrino mass, and dark Energy. The separation to these two papers, which at first sight might seem odd, is a consequence of the request by the Astro2010 committee that white papers will concentrate on science topics (e.g. Inflation, Evolution of structure, Dark energy), rather than on the techniques to address them (e.g. CMB, cluster surveys, supernovae searches). The first version of the inflation paper is posted in either of these web sites http://pppdt.umn.edu/ http://cmbpol.uchicago.edu. Lyman's paper will be posted soon as well. Please read the papers and send comments to Scott (dodelson@fnal.gov) or Lyman (page@princeton.edu) We encourage all interested members to read the papers and express their support by co-signing the papers. To co-sign please send us an e-mail indicating your preference (co-sign both, or which one of the papers). The following web site http://cmbpol.uchicago.edu will also have a web form where you can sign up as a co-signer. Co-signing the papers means that your name will appear on the white paper submitted to the Astro2010 committee and in the version submitted to astro-ph. ************************************************************************ January 8, 2009 --------------- The Decadal Survey Committee (DSC) has requested two inputs from the community: Science White papers and Notices of Intent. The Science White papers should inform the DSC of promising research areas over the next decade. The NOI should alert the DSC of any project that needs to be prioritized. The PPPDT is planning to respond to both of these calls for input. A science paper discussing CMB science will be submitted by the Feb. 15 deadline. All CMB scientist will be invited to coauthor. More information will be distributed in a week or two. The NOI that we plan to submit will discuss a program of technology development and sub-orbital measurements leading to and including a satellite mission. We anticipate that in February the DSC will request a full project report that will be due in May. We will communicate more information in the coming months.