Two versions of mapsim are available: One designed to run on a mulitiple processor machine using MPI, and the other on a standard single processor workstation. For the MPI version download mapsim_MPI.tar; otherwise download mapsim.tar. After downloading type:
tar xvfm mapsim.tar
to compile all the necessary programs. All the C source code contains comments and a description of the functions used by mapsim. There are two input files to mapsim:
for each spherical harmonic multipolel ClTl(l+1)/2pi ClTEl(l+1)/2pi ClEl(l+1)/2pi ClBl(l+1)/2piwhere the last four numbers have units of [K]^2
2) The format for the pixels file is
for each pixelra decgiven in degrees
mapsim 'ps file name' 'pixel file name'
The output file is called map.dat. The format for map.dat is
for each pixelT Q Ugiven in units of [micro K]^2
Included are sample input files which were used to generate
the maps at the top of this page. They are called
ps and pixels.
The pixels file contains 65,536 square
pixels at a resolution of 3'. The ps
file contains the power spectra for the best fit inflationary
model to the MAXIMA-1 and COBE DMR data.
A comand file mapsim.cmd is included in
the MPI version which can be used to run mapsim on an IBM SP