Degree Information:
At the University of Minnesota, there are 2 paths one can take to obtain
a Ph.D. in Physics Education Research:
1) Ph.D. in Physics with a M.A. in
Education or M.S. in Physics; and
2) Ph.D. in Education with a M.S. in
Students in either program develop strong theoretical backgrounds in Physics,
Cognitive Psychology, and
Educational Research. In addition to course work, members of
the Physics Education Research Group are involved in numerous
application-oriented projects, such as the development and refinement of introductory laboratories, evaluations of course
and student performances in
the introductory physics sequence, and various aspects of Graduate Teaching Assistant
Training (see list under Research on PERG
Home Page and Recent
Talks and Papers). In other words, members graduate with substantial
experience in applying their knowledge of physics, cognitive psychology, and educational research in
very practical contexts.
A list of suggested courses in both Physics and Education have been
compiled at the bottom of the page.
1) Ph.D. in Physics with Masters in Education
or Physics
Physics Ph.D.
(for more information consult School of Physics and Astronomy Graduate
Student Handbook)
Total Semester Credits (not including thesis credits)
Major Course Requirements
12 from Quantum Mechanics 5001/2 and
Classical Mechanics 5011/2, 2 seminar credits, plus electives
Thesis Credits
Minor or Supporting Program Semester Credits
Graduate Written Exam
Pass by Fall of 2nd year
File Degree Program
After passing Graduate Written Exam
Preliminary Oral Exam
Pass by end of 3rd year
File Thesis Proposal
After passing Preliminary Oral Exam
Final Oral Committee
5 members: 3 from major field, 1 from physics
outside major field or from declared minor field, 1 from outside physics
Thesis Reviewer
3 member panel: advisor, 1 from major field, and
1 from outside major field, representing minor or supporting field.
Thesis must be approved one week before defense
With ...
Education Masters (for more information consult
Department of Curriculum and Instruction M.A.
M.A. (Plan B)
Total Semester Credits
Major Course Requirements
Minor or Supporting Program Semester Credits
File Degree Program
After 10 credits
Plan B Project
Minimum of 120 hours of work
Final Oral Committee
3 members: 2 from major field, 1 from minor
or related field
Thesis Reviewer
All members of oral committee
Or ...
Physics Masters (for more information consult
School of Physics and Astronomy Graduate
Student Handbook)
M.S. (Plan A)
M.S. (Plan B)
Total Semester Credits (not including thesis credits)
Major Course Requirements
including either Quantum
Mechanics 5001/2 or Classical Mechanics 5011/2, plus electives
including either Quantum
Mechanics 5001/2 or Classical Mechanics 5011/2, plus electives
Thesis Credits
Minor or Supporting Program Semester Credits
Graduate Written Exam
Taken once
Taken once
File Degree Program
After 10 credits
After 10 credits
File Thesis Title
Register thesis title when distributed to reviewers
Plan B Project
Minimum of 120 hours of work
Final Oral Committee
3 members: 2 from major field, 1 from minor or related fields
3 members: 2 from major field, 1 from minor or related fields
Thesis / Plan B Project Reviewer
All members of oral committee
All members of oral committee
*Note: Masters course work count towards Ph.D. course work
in terms of the minor/supporting program
2) Ph.D. in Education with Masters in Physics
Education Ph.D.
(for more information consult Department of Curriculum and Instruction Ph.D.
Total Semester Credits (not including thesis credits)
Major Course Requirements
9 from Core I - Critical Examination of
Curriculum in Context (CI8131), Core II - Teaching Theory and Research
(CI8132), Core III - Research Methods in Curriculum and Instruction
(CI8133), plus electives
Research Methodology Courses
6 in quantitative research
methods (Statistics) and 6 in qualitative research methods (Ethnography,
Phenomenology, Case Studies, etc.)
Educational Foundations Courses
3 in psychological foundations and 3 in
social, historical, cultural, or philosophical foundations
Thesis Credits
Minor or Supporting Program Semester Credits
File Degree Program
Approximately 2 semesters prior to the
preliminary examination
Graduate Written Exam
Taken near completion of course work
Preliminary Oral Exam
Taken after completing substantial part of
course work
File Thesis Proposal
After passing Preliminary Oral Exam
Final Oral Committee
4 members: 3 from major field, and1 from outside major field,
representing minor or supporting field
Thesis Reviewer
3 member panel: advisor, 1 from major field, and
1 from outside major field, representing minor or supporting field.
Thesis must be approved one week before defense
With ...
Physics Masters (for more information consult
School of Physics and Astronomy Graduate
Student Handbook)
M.S. (Plan A)
M.S. (Plan B)
Total Semester Credits (not including thesis credits)
Major Course Requirements
including either Quantum
Mechanics 5001/2 or Classical Mechanics 5011/2, plus electives
including either Quantum
Mechanics 5001/2 or Classical Mechanics 5011/2, plus electives
Thesis Credits
Minor or Supporting Program Semester Credits
Graduate Written Exam
Taken once
Taken once
File Degree Program
After 10 credits
After 10 credits
File Thesis Title
Register thesis title when distributed to reviewers
Plan B Project
Minimum of 120 hours of work
Final Oral Committee
3 members: 2 from major field, 1 from minor or related fields
3 members: 2 from major field, 1 from minor or related fields
Thesis / Plan B Project Reviewer
All members of oral committee
All members of oral committee
*Note: Masters course work count towards Ph.D. course work
in terms of the minor/supporting program